On December 27th, Mirwaiz Muhammad Umar Farooq, was barred from leaving his house to lead…
Three Kashmiri Muslim employees expelled from employment because of their political views
On 26th February, three Kashmiri Muslim employees were terminated over their alleged links to the Kashmiri self-determination movement. The three employees include Mohammed Mir Andrabi, Syed Hameed Yatoo, Arif Sheikh[11]. On 24th February, another teacher was expelled for criticizing the government’s policies on social media[12].
According to Kashmiri legal rights organization, Legal Forum for Kashmir, until November 2022, the Indian authorities have terminated over 41 Kashmiri employees. Barring one Devinder Singh, all the terminated employees are Muslims.
This sacking of employees is a systematic part of the larger crackdown launched by the Indian state against Kashmiri Muslims who do not conform to the inhumane policies of the Indian authorities in the occupied Jammu and Kashmir[13]. Through the threat of expulsion from employment and loss of livelihood, the Indian state seems to be forcing Kashmiris to choose between economic survival and political rights.
[11] https://thekashmirwalla.com/three-govt-employees-terminated-over-alleged-militancy-links/
[12] https://thekashmirwalla.com/teacher-suspended-for-criticising-govt-on-social-media-in-ramban/
[13] https://lfkashmir.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/LFK-Annual-Report-2022.pdf