On December 27th, Mirwaiz Muhammad Umar Farooq, was barred from leaving his house to lead…
Study reveals that 80% of Kashmiri civilian pellet victims lost vision partially
On November 7th, a study revealed that a huge majority of Kashmiri civilians, including minors, who were shot at with pellet guns by Indian military forces and received eye injuries have suffered some degree of vision loss. Pellet guns were widely used by the Indian state during the 2016 pro-freedom civilian uprising in Kashmir to target peaceful protestors. About 80 percent of these pellet victims now have a vision limited to “counting fingers”, according to the study done on 777 eye operations carried out during the period of the aforementioned uprising. The use of pellet guns created in Kashmir what many analysts refer to as the “pandemic of blindness”.[3]
[3] https://thekashmirwalla.com/in-kashmir-80-of-2016-pellet-victims-lost-vision-partially-study/