On December 27th, Mirwaiz Muhammad Umar Farooq, was barred from leaving his house to lead…
Indian High Court Rejects Petition Seeking Compensation For Family of Custodial Killing Victim
On August 11th, the Jammu and Kashmir High Court rejected the petition of Abdul Razak Ahanger, who died during the pendency of the petition. He had approached the Jammu and Kashmir High Court 17 years back demanding compensation for the death of his son and also an inquiry into his death. According to him, in the year 2004, police personnel of Special Task Force, notorious for their torture techniques against Kashmiris, arrested his son, namely, Bashir Ahmad Ahangar and handed him over to an army camp. He was then brutally tortured before being shot dead by the army and then falsely labelled as a pro-freedom armed fighter. The Indian state has persistently demonized pro-freedom Kashmiri armed fighters to the extent that they have been rendered killable with impunity. Each time a Kashmiri civilian is murdered in custody, he is associated by the state to the armed resistance against Indian occupation, and in doing so, his killing is “justified” and the killers receive a promotional reward.[10]
[10] https://freepresskashmir.news/2022/08/11/hc-dismisses-petition-seeking-compensation-for-custodial-killing-of-civilian-in-south-kashmir/