On December 27th, Mirwaiz Muhammad Umar Farooq, was barred from leaving his house to lead…
Indian Chandigarh Court Acquits 20 Hindu nationalists who attacked Kashmiri Muslim leader
On 27th August, a local court in Chandigarh acquitted 20 Hindu nationalists who had roughed up and assaulted Kashmiri religious leader, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, during a seminar on Kashmir conflict resolution in Chandigarh a few years back. Stones and pots had been hurled at the leader by the Hindu nationalists. While the pro-BJP court claimed that there’s inadequate evidence to prosecute the accused, the acquittal is part of the pattern of immunity towards perpetrators of anti-Kashmiri hatred and attacks.[19]
[19] https://www.tribuneindia.com/news/chandigarh/ex-mayor-among-20-acquitted-of-assaulting-mirwaiz-umar-farooq-425723